Ethics & privacy

Corporate principles and guidelines

Corporate Policy

At Albatrans, we are committed to the continuous improvement of the economic, social, environmental, and ethical sustainability of our Company’s development. We have implemented an Organization, management and control model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/01 and have approved a Code of Ethics, within which the Company’s principles and within which the company’s principles and guidelines are defined and to which employees and those who interact with the Company in various roles are required to adhere.


Ethics clause

We firmly believe that promoting transparent relationships with our suppliers and prioritizing quality, safety, environmental compliance, adherence to trade agreements, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations are essential prerequisites for achieving superior results in today’s complex and interconnected economic landscape. In line with this belief, we have established the Ethics clause, which details the fundamental rules that guide our relationships with partners and suppliers.


Corporate Governance

Our commitment to ethical practices is further demonstrated through:

Privacy policy

The protection of our stakeholders’ data is of utmost importance to us. Our Web Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy explain what information we collect, with whom we may share such information, and what choices can be made regarding our use of such information.


Web Privacy Policy

Disclosure on Cookies


Customer-Supplier Information Policy